Ranking Every Single Lego Marvel & DC Video Game

Published on 11 December 2023 at 17:06

LEGO games. LEGO games were a massive part of my life growing up. From LEGO Indiana Jones to LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, I absolutely loved finishing school, going home and playing my favourite LEGO games. I remember when I first unlocked Ghost Yoda in LEGO Star Wars and the absolute delight that it bought me. Funnily enough I am still a massive LEGO game lover to this day! I currently have LEGO City Undercover on the go and I am absolutely loving it (very under rated game by the way, I do recommend) I have also recently finished LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 - 4 (for the 4th time)

Now I am a massive Superhero simp. So as you can imagine, I love most LEGO Marvel & LEGO DC video games. Back in the day of playing LEGO Batman when it first came out almost felt revolutionary for LEGO games as I played it on my Nintendo WII. Luckily for me, I have played all 7 Marvel & DC LEGO games and finished them all. I have re-played all these games in anticipation of making this post and now the time has arrived. In this post, I am going to be ranking all these games from 1 - 7 (1 being the highest / 7 being the lowest) I am going to try and avoid any bias but if I found them boring, I can't really resist saying I found them boring. Lets not beat around the bush... TO THE BAT MOBILE.


Which Lego Marvel / dc game do i believe is the worst?

Number 7 

Lego Batman 3: beyond gotham

Right here me out. This is by no means one of the worst LEGO games ever made, this is the worst out of a particularly good bunch (please don't try and fight me) I did not enjoy LEGO Batman 3 and I am sorry about that. This is why LEGO Batman 3 had to be seventh on my list...

The main problem I have with Lego Batman 3 is that the game is just completely forgettable. Before I replayed this, I had genuinely forgotten about 95% of this video game. I don't know what it is, I just cannot put my head around what I really do not like about this game (probably because I've already forgot what happens)  Maybe I am coming across a bit too ruthless here? Its just upsetting that LEGO Batman was one of my favourite LEGO games growing up and this is currently what I have in front of me. The storyline, for me, is bland and does not encourage me to go back and play. I personally believe if the story is not enticing - the game is destined for failure. 

On the brighter side of Gotham (or space??) the character roster for this game is simply fantastic. Throughout the years, we have seen a massive increase in the number of characters LEGO games have given to us. It is no surprise that LEGO Batman 3 gave 125 characters (not including DLC) My personal favourite character is Batman 1966. WOW. I've never been old enough to see the Adam West shows when they were out, but this character really made him shine. I love all the animations that come with him and his abilities. Beast boy is also super cool, although I do believe he is better in LEGO DC Super-Villains (more on that game later) The characters in this game are great, but were not enough to pull LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham beyond the bottom spot. 







As a lifelong Marvel fan and a massive lover of The Avengers, it is difficult to put this game sixth. However, I have one word to describe this game - BORING. Boring might actually be a compliment in regards to this game. Its like getting given plain Digestives when you wanted Hobnobs. Oh well at least Spider-Man is in the game, oh wait...

The amount of sass on that writing above was bonkers wasn't it?

I genuinely believe LEGO Avengers is incredibly boring. Me and my better half started LEGO Avengers straight after 100% completing LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (what a game that is, by the way) The expectations were high as I went and collected this game from my local CEX. The car journey home felt like I'd just collected all 6 infinity stones and was on my way back to dominate the world. I got home as full as life as can be, installed the game and off we went! 30 minutes later - we turned it off. We were bored. How could this be?? A game about LEGO & The Avengers (which we both love) is... boring? I don't know what makes this game so boring, maybe it is because we have already seen all this in the cinema? I have absolutely no idea.



On the bright side, the open world is great (mainly because it is very similar to LEGO Marvel Super Heroes) and some of the team up finishing moves are cool! Yeah I am really clutching at straws here, sorry LEGO Avengers. I can't even build up the energy to write anything more about this game. You are comfortably sixth. 




I've thought about this for a while, trying to think of a really great word to describe this game. After 10 minutes - nothing. After 20 minutes - nothing. After 30 minutes - nothing. I have decided the best way to describe this game is MEH. Nothing terrible, nothing great, just straight up MEH. 

I'm not really beating around the bush anymore with these mini-reviews! Look at me gaining some confidence, maybe one day I will write something that has meaning to it! LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is OK. The storyline is OK, the character roster is GOOD, the missions are OK, the main villain is OK and the open world is OK. OK? The issue with LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, for me, is that it lacks any enjoyment. No matter the story or the plot, a LEGO game is meant to be enjoyable. The open world does not do it for me. I know that is a popular opinion but it simply just doesn't work for me.

Some characters are cool! Venom is an awesome character. Star-Lord is a fantastic character (potentially one of my favourite LEGO game characters EVER) Thinking about it, we may make a 'My top 10 LEGO game characters' after this! Forbush Man is also a fantastic character. Unfortunately for Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, all these cool characters cannot save it from finishing in the bottom half of our tier list. I mean can you blame me? I started talking about other posts in the future instead of the game itself...

number 4

lego batman

WHAT A GAME. I almost feel criminal putting LEGO Batman at fourth. Infact, I do feel criminal! I feel like Alfred is about to kick me off the side of the Batcave for such an outrageous position. LEGO Batman is one of the all time classics and somehow it stills holds up when playing 15 years after it was released. The ONLY reason Lego Batman is fourth - the other 3 games are simply better. 

Wow this game! The amount of nostalgia when playing LEGO Batman is just fabulous. When playing LEGO Batman there is 1 main objective - collect as many characters as possible. This is pretty routine for a LEGO game, right? Of course we all want to get all the characters and see what they can do. However, there is 1 reason we want all the characters on this game. There is 1 reason we want to unlock Mr Freeze. THE HUB WORLD.

The hub world is not big, but boyyyy is it effective. The hub world is basically just the Batcave mixed with Arkham Asylum. It sounds really basic for the endless cities we are used to now, but there is just something so good about it. I could spend hours on end fighting every character that walks past. I could spend hours on end freezing everyone as I start a massive brawl. The hub world is just great.

The actual missions themselves are also great! The boss fight mission with Killer Moth is a personal favourite. What makes this game stand out for me, is once you complete the main story, you unlock another main story, but this time you are from the villains perspective. I really really really enjoy that and it makes me wonder why more modern LEGO games do not do this? 

I love this game. 

number 3

lego batman 2:

dc super heroes

Revolutionary. A real game changer in the LEGO video game world. Introducing one of the greatest LEGO game characters ever created. An open world like we have never seen before. All this and somehow only third on the list, says a lot about the top 2...

When I think LEGO Batman 2, there is one thing that stands out above all - the introduction of Superman. Personally, I have never watched any Superman movies. I have watched some of Zack Snyder's Justice League but that is about it. My knowledge about Superman himself is very limited. However, LEGO Batman 2 introduced me to one of the best LEGO game characters ever made. Superman is an absolute joke on this game. Seeing a character like Superman not only made LEGO Batman 2 amazing, but it gave hope to the future of what LEGO games will create.

Also I believe this may be the first LEGO game that introduced a massive open world? I might be wrong about that. Gotham is fabulous in this game. I still have no idea why they didn't expand on this in LEGO Batman 3? But yano space is cool I guess...

I don't really have much else to say about LEGO Batman 2. I just like it. And that is okay. 







I think this one may be quite controversial. If I was to ask 100 people, I guarantee at least 75 of them would say the best LEGO super hero video game is LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. However, I just believe number 1 is better. Saying that, here is why LEGO Marvel Super Heroes has ranked so high. 

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is one of the best LEGO video games. If you are familiar with LEGO games, you don't need me to explain why this game is so good. The open world - GREAT. The storyline - GREAT. The characters - FABULOUS. I'm actually a massive fan of the Deadpool side missions as well, what is not to love about that guy? Honestly, I can't really tell you much about this game that is not already known. The starting mission where you start as Iron-Man and The Hulk is a fantastic starting level to a video game. The level of creativity throughout this game is just remarkable. Also we need to give a special mention to jumping off the S.H.I.E.L.D carrier. I remember doing that for the first time and thinking 'WOW I CAN FLY'

Maybe the decision between number 1 and number 2 could be switched in most people's eyes. But for me, I just prefer our number 1 spot, which goes to Level DC Super-Villains. 




I'm sorry but not sorry - LEGO DC Super-Villains is the best LEGO Marvel / DC game. DC have taken the top spot on this one and rightly so. This game is an absolute banger.

LEGO DC Super-Villains is absolutely amazing. I could pinpoint thousands of reasons why this game is class, but I'm going to try and break it down into a few. First things first - the storyline. The storyline of having an alternate, evil Justice League is just so cool. The story shows us the art of public manipulation whilst also giving us a lot of testosterone. I've never felt so passionate about defeating the villains in a LEGO game, ever. The final boss fight with Darkseid is a truly incredible fight and shows us just how much potential LEGO games have going forward. I also enjoy having your own character who unlocks abilities as you advance through the story. 

Combining this truly epic storyline with a fascinating character roster makes for such an enjoyable game. I believe this game has over 250playable characters? What makes them special is that most (if not all) characters have their own unique animations which just makes the game that little bit more special. The Joker has his own robot teeth which can explode. Batman can glide. Harley Quinn has a massive hammer. Everyone has such fun and exciting abilities. Personal favourite characters for me are The Joker (I feel like he is miles better in this game) Gorilla Grodd and The Ventriloquist. 


Just going completely off topic here (because I can) The Ventriloquist is such a fun character. I absolutely love all the animations that come with him. I think I might love him a bit more than a normal type of love? I think I might be mildly obsessed with The Ventriloquist. Infact sod that, I think I am addicted to The Ventriloquist!! I need to get out the house more. In all seriousness, once you have collected Character Token 9, you will not look at another character the same again. 

The open world is also a joy to go through (not as good as LEGO Batman 2 but we move) To be honest, I am running out of things to write about this game. Do me a favour? Just go play it. Give it an hour. Trust me, you will love it. 


So that is the end of me ranking every LEGO Marvel & DC game and also marks my first ever post! I actually enjoyed writing this more than I thought I would so there will be more soon. Hopefully we can make this into a fun, enjoyable experience for us all! What did you think of this post? Do you think my ranking is correct? If not, tell me WHY in the comments section! I want this website to be as interactive as possible. A place where we can have a mini-social life on LifeofTarby. Thank you LEGO Marvel & DC for giving us some great games and a MASSIVE THANK YOU to you for reading. Have a great day! CYA.

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9 months ago

Again thank you so much for reading guys, I really really appreciate it :D