PowerWash Simulator (The Greatest Video Games of all Time)

Published on 5 March 2024 at 14:42

So here we have in my opinion one of the greatest video games of all time. I know what you are thinking - this isn't Red Dead Redemption 2? This isn't Minecraft? This isn't Skyrim?? Yes, you are quite right. I have decided to start a series called 'The Greatest Video Games of All Time', where I explore what I believe are the best video games going. Video games are an ENORMOUS part of my life. Ever since I got a Nintendo Gameboy and first played Pokemon Gold, I have been hooked on video games and the whole experience of getting sucked into another world. I now want to share these experiences with you, you beautiful human. I want to have discussions on why I believe these games are the best and I want to hear your opinion too. Never heard of PowerWash Simulator? Me neither, until 1 month ago...

It was a stereotypical British Sunday in the Tarby household. Me and my better half are lying in bed thinking about doing something with our day, but never actually doing it. The weather is terrible and neither of us can be bothered moving. I recently got Playstation Plus due to some of the games on there, however I noticed that these games had been removed (mainly Marvels Spiderman, I am not over this) So I decided to look at Xbox Game Pass and that is were I saw it - PowerWash Simulator. Me and my better half are convinced we are both riddled with ADHD so giving us a game were you constantly get rid of dirt and make stuff look new again? Yes please, say less. 

PowerWash Simulator is a great game. In fact that is unfair. PowerWash Simulator is one of the greatest games of all time. PowerWash Simulator is finishing work, getting home for 6 and then coming off the game at 1 in the morning because you absolutely need to finish washing that Helicopter. Being what most people would describe as a heavily autistic 25 year old, this game ticks all my boxes and more. My girlfriend has already fully completed this game once and to this day continues to go back and re-play it. Quality time is not a thing anymore in the Tarby household - its POWERWASH TIME. I have nearly finished this game myself, before my Nintendo Switch decided to corrupt my game. Hahahahaha gutted. Its alright though because instead of spending money on household essentials like washing up liquid and kitchen roll, I decided to buy PowerWash Simulator on the PS5 as well! My girlfriend has not spoken to me in weeks but this is a sacrifice I am willing to make.  


The best things in life are simple, yet effective. The best way to describe PowerWash Simulator is simple, yet addictive. Without trying to sound really basic, the whole concept of PowerWash Simulator it to power wash! You can power wash all sort of things including Buildings / Vehicles / Monuments / etc. The aim is to clear all the dirt from one of these levels, which sounds like a very boring concept, but trust me, this will never get old. It sounds extremely simple but watching the % completed icon go up is super satisfying. The sense of finishing off them last little bits to reach 100% is a euphoria like no other. Finding the last little bit of dirt you need to clear on the underside of a motorbike fender - what a feeling.

The game also offers something us gamers absolutely love - AN UPGRADE SYSTEM. Yes that is correct, the more items you finish cleaning, the more money you get to spend in the games shop. You can buy almost anything from this shop including soaps, power wash guns,  nozzles for your guns, outfits for your character and much much more. I am currently flexing a golden Prime Vista Pro with a red 0 degree nozzle. Get on my level. Another cool aspect of the game is the multiplayer system. This is not cross-compatible, but if you and your mate both have an Xbox and wanted to power wash together - this is your lucky day. I have never tried the multiplayer myself, mainly because I have no friends, but I can imagine that it is very fun power washing an underground Subway with your mate. 


PowerWash Simulator levels are like no other. As gamers we all know that finishing a level and moving onto the next can be so satisfying, but, there is just something extra satisfying about these levels that really tick the boxes. From cleaning a van to cleaning somebodies back garden to cleaning an ancient Egyptian Monument, not a lot of things on this planet come close to the feeling of PowerWash levels. My personal favourite level is cleaning the mini golf course, which comes with a teeny tiny golf ball to actually push around the holes! Yes I know I am a child, but we absolutely love mini golf and the ability to power wash my golf ball through a little windmill and into the hole - YES YES YES.

The main levels are split into a sort-of career mode type of layout where you finish a level, go onto the next, finish a level, go onto the next and so for. However, if the career mode level is particularly challenging and you are getting stressed out cleaning the Treehouse, then there is also bonus levels for you to do in the mean time. Each level provides you with money to use in the upgrade system so you too can own a golden gun one day. 

I just love this game

I could genuinely sit here writing about this game forever. I know it seems like I am being a bit over the top, but honestly, this game is super addictive. Such a simple concept has come together more eloquently than butter and bread. I never thought I would ever spend over 50 hours of my life power washing Planes, Fire Stations and Monuments, but now I have, and I would not change it for the world. I simply cannot describe the fun and satisfaction this game will bring you.

And one of the best things is that the game is super cheap! This is not sponsored but if PowerWash to sponsor me then I certainly would not say no! The maximum you would pay for this game is £20. Anddddddd to make it even better, it is on Xbox Game Pass! 

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Thank youuu

Wash away your worries with the soothing sounds of high-pressure water. Fire up your power washer and blast away every speck of dirt and grime you can find. Build your own power-washing business and unlock new tools, upgrades and more – all with the simple satisfaction of power-washing to a sparkling finish.

Relax, unwind in single player, or play with friends in Online Co-Op; either way, have good, clean fun. No dirt is too tough for your range of washers, nozzles, cleaners, and extensions. From casual, clean freaks to players looking to get into the nitty-gritty, everyone can pick up and play to feel immersed. Absorb the relaxing atmosphere and stress-free pace as you strip dirt from patios, pavements, vehicles, and public parks. Get creative and make art. Your nozzles are your brushes; the neighbourhood is your canvas. Sit back, relax, and wash your worries down the drain.

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7 months ago

Thank you for the support, WHAT A GAME.